Monday, January 17, 2011

Italy in a day

South Korea was a trip and a half. Culture, adventure, the world cup, the emotional roller coaster, the time change, the food, the people…simply an amazing experience. On to Italy we go.

All I could think about was getting to Italy. I really enjoyed my time in South Korea but I was ready for something new. There was just a few things to get through–a bus ride and two flights. Easy right? Well you’d think so but when your bus driver falls asleep at the wheel on the highway and then hits another vehicle…that puts a slight damper on things. Luckily the bus driver fled the scene and got us to the airport on time.

After 9hrs of flying, 3hrs in a Russian airport, another 4hrs of flying, a cab ride by a guy who claimed to be a cab driver (but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t), I finally hooked up with my buddy Marc. We were in Italy and both really excited. Unfortunately the Italy World Cup was canceled due to the accidental death of one of the event organizers. So that basically meant our time in Italy was freed up to do whatever.
Round about after round about we navigated for 6hrs through busy traffic and the countryside of Italy, seeking out the ever so famous “Scarpa Factory” in Asolo, Italy. The drive was longer then expected, but we made great time by holding 170km/hr pretty much the entire way.

Getting the opportunity to see how Scarpa footwear is made, down to every detail of applying the glue and riveting the eyelets, guided by one of the owners, it was an experience of a lifetime. Not only that, but where the Scarpa factory’s located–in Asolo, Italy, the town itself is mostly likely one of the most beautiful, unique towns I’ve ever walked through. Castles, gigantic homes dating back to who knows how long ago, cobble streets, café’s straight out of a foreign movie, all of it left images imprinted in my memory that will last a lifetime.
On to Chamonix, France.

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