Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's on!

Back in the hotel now, down from a big first day. Started off nervous...tryin' to "find my feet". But after a few climbs, i settled down. It was good. Hooked up with a lot of strong climbers (pros) which was good as i learned a lot. It's becoming more and more about the experience, more so than the actual comp. Learning, listening on all fronts...and just having fun. It's been really great hooking up with Mark Beverly (another petzl climber/guide). He's been great in "showing me the ropes". Always helps to have someone in your corner.

The atmosphere is sorta intense. A lot of the climbers are a little over intense and stressed. Kind of a weird vibe. All good though. I need to stay focused on my game plan. I can't spend too much time, if any at all, worrying about what others do. I've trained in a way that works for me. If i mess with that, my whole game plan will go down the toilet. So that's been interesting, because naturally, my first climb...i was like "let's do this", not knowing how hard it really was. Turned out it was hard. That for sure didn't help me. So i backed down and got on something a little easier to warm up on. Which, funny enough, turned out to be pretty hard and pumpy too. But whatev. After that, things started to come together. So all in all, not a bad first day. Struggled a bit with my breathing, which does not help at this altitude (8000ft-ish). It's amazing how that alt. can affect your breathing. So it's good to get out, allowing my body to adjust, and get my wings flapping.

Tomorrow is a new day. Supposed to be going to this sick big cave that's unreal. I'm down for some intense "cranking". I love climbing.

Well, off to dinner. Need to eat. That's another thing that i slacked on today–eating. Gotta do better with that tomorrow. Drank lots of redbull though...haha.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

aaron, robyn, paige and payton said...

gord, you know better - you have to eat good! it always makes you sick after if you don't! good thing becky is joining you!