Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All-nighters and around the world

For weeks the anticipation was building, the thought of traveling around the world to represent Canada at the World Cup of Mixed Climbing, I'm finally on my way. The travel started with my ever-so-kind in-laws who offered to drive me 3.5hrs to the airport. After a relaxing/early morning drive I was on my first flight-the start of a long haul to South Korea-venue #1.

However, my first stop found me in New Mexico, at Marc Beverly's house. It's always more eventful to travel with someone, especially when it's around the world...so...I figured i'd hook up with him and tackle this journey along side. Our goal-stay up all night to try and trick our bodies into South Korea time. By 1:30 this idea was kickin' my ass. But, as most people that know me...fear not, a couple of shots of Red Bull later and my body was filled with enough energy to not only "just" make it through the night with no sleep...but also lead Marc and I into a 2:00am mixed training session on Marc's world cup style climbing wall (in his backyard).

The last time i stayed up all night was when I did the 24hrs of climbing fundraiser in the park (near where i live). This time wasn't quite as grueling, however it still to this moment is taking a toll.

After dragging ourselves to the airport we boarded our first flight to San Fran and began this "round the world in 21 days" journey. Now, sitting here in San Fran Airport, we're an hour away from stepping onto a long flight towards South Korea. Sadly, however after South Korea there will no longer be a world cup in Italy. Due to an unfortunate accident, one of the event organizers was killed and thus the event was cancled. What now? Well, now we have 10 days (between the South Korea and Switzerland World Cup) to explore Italy, visit the Scarpa footwear factory and to go and crush at all the world famous mixed crags throughout Europe. Super stoked on this.

By the time we get to South Korea we'll have been thrown into a day later time zone. That should be interesting. So, see you tomorrow, but today, only a day ahead.

Shout out to my 3 girls and all that helped to make this dream possible.

On a side note...i can't believe how everytime i get absolutely slayed by the cell phone companies when i leave the country. Flip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, correctly.