Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good ol' Home Depot

As I've found, over the past couple of years...Home Depot is not only a great place to buy stuff for home building etc. but it's also a key destination for killing time with the kids. Think about it–things hanging from everywhere, lots of colours...and most importantly, lots of stuff to pull at. I love home depot.

Anyways. So we were down at the Bull River Gorge yesterday and put up some new routes. This place, i gotta tell ya, is perking up to be a sick "local" destination. There's routes from M5 to M8+, WI2-WI5. It even has a walk out now. What more could you ask for.

Myself and a friend put up some new routes yesterday which turned out to be super fun. A little steep to add a bit of spice, but "good value" as my friend would say. As we finished putting up those routes, our minds began to open to further possibilities. It's becoming endless down there. As long as mother nature can keep the water level down (as there's a big river flowing beneath your pretty much every step) this place will continue to rock for a good portion of the season.

Climbing seems to be still going for me. I thought that once i was back from Ouray, that I would slow down a bit. Nope, sure isn't the case. I just want to get stronger. I have a project that i want to attempt in late Feb so training shall continue on. I'm actually beginning my rock training now too. I'm super psyched about the rock season that's coming up. Mostly i'm psyched about climbing in warmer weather. Yesterday we stuck the whole day out in -20ish. It was cold. I'm ready for warm weather climbing.

Keep pushin'


Olin said...

I've got one I'm hoping comes in later this season - 12 miles in but a big climb. It's not Canadian, but its cooler than anything I've seen yet here in Montana. Having challenges keeping a team together one of my friends jested I needed Gadd, I saw your reply to something on his blog. Y'all ought to carpool down.
-Blessings on your projects and your family

Gord McArthur said...

I'll give him a ring...i know he's gone until the end of feb. Weather permitting perhaps we could set something up. I'm in the middle of developing another version of "haffner creek". Basically a canyon with lots of mix and ice climbing. You should venture up this way sometime and give it a go. Lots of fun.