Friday, March 27, 2009

It's never an easy time

It's been a tough year with so many deaths. It seems that every where you look, read or hear, there's one more story about someone dying. It's hard. Real hard. It's the type of situation we cringe at...and even worse when we knew the person(s), it just about breaks us. This past summer i had a good friend die whilst climbing. It was the first time that someone had died whom i knew, while climbing. I was confused, and worse off...when i found out i was actually on a climbing trip. My headspace instantly went down speed. Amongst my confusement i resorted to calling a friend of mine who's been in the climbing scene for a long time. He mentioned that from some of his friends dying while climbing, it's the only situation that has made him contemplate quitting climbing for good. It hurts to move on sometimes. Our body, mind, and soul battle the will. But as I've begun to's His will that pushes us forward. It's His love that endures us forever.

We don't understand why people die, especially when it's premature. So many questions entangle us that we soon become trapped in our mental destruction. As humans, we always want to know "why?" We push and push and push, trying to figure out why it happened. But here's the thing...we'll never know why. It's not meant for us to know. It's a hard thing to accept but we must do so. I recently read a book called "The Shack". Same deal, sad death takes's heart stopping infact. And above all, it's not fair. But it still happened. The story basically depicted the lack of trust, and then gaining of trust into God's love for us. A man lost his daughter. She was taken from him...and he was pissed. He blamed God for not caring...for letting it happen. But in the end, he knew that God was a good God, and that He did care, and still does for that matter. It's hard...infact it's supernatural-to trust God that is- in such dire straights. His love is so much more powerful than we could ever imagine. That's what we need to hold on to...and never let go...especially when the rubber hits the road. It's all we have when it feels as though we have nothing. He's always there, and he'll lift us back up. He can carry any load. It's not our load to carry.

You see, getting through "it" is one thing...but trusting that there's a greater plan to follow, that He can bring good out of anything...that's the real litmiss test. "Even when we don't understand, still find the trust in such hardship, because eventually...He will make the path straight again".
Don't worry about the past, forget about the future...and just focus on today...for today has enough of it's own things to focus on. We have our family, our friends, our community...and when we don't have those things...He's still there...holding his hand out, encouriging us to take it...that it's going to be ok. Because it will be matter how long it takes.

A lot of people are in a place of sorrow right now...whether it be from the local who was taken in an avalanche (in Kimberley, BC), or the family and friends of Shane McConkey (pro skier) who passed away from a base jumping accident. It's certainly a time of sorrow, but also an opportunity to come together and celebrate the loss of great people. It's a time where trust must be in the greater plan. Trust that His love is far greater than we could ever comprehend...that Good will come from tragedy.

Death is hard. There's no question about it. But raise your heads and know, that "Good" is just around the corner, waiting and ready for you.

This is just a rant. I have no idea who will read this. It's merely an encouragement for those who feel lost right now...or at any time, whether past or in the future.

Keep your heads high.

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