Driving all through the night, the van packed tight with no room at all, just the two of us with a mission ahead. We were on our way to Vegas. Our plan was to drive all through the night, no stops, no rests...just give 'er. It's kinda like trying to hold a pee in the middle of the night...eventually you end up surrendering. As with our big idea of driving non-stop, we ended up making a few pit stops here and there. But we were motivated. We were stoked. We were going to Red Rocks National Park.
After a long drive, with many epics along the way (like driving backwards, back up an off ramp), we finally made it to Las Vegas, in one piece none the less. I was impressed. I thought for sure we weren't going to make it. But we did and we were ready for some great climbing.
Over the course of 6 days we managed to climb at some of the most fantastic spots in Vegas. The trophy wall, the Pier, Secret 13, the Wake up wall, and more. Vibrant Red rock glaring from the sun...as if it were on fire from the high temps encompassing it. I'd never seen anything like it. By far my favorite place that we climbed at was the Trophy Wall. Super steep and super fun. Nice long routes, pumpy moves, and wicked sequences all over. Although the trip was not focused as a "sending trip", we did manage to bag a few fun 12's and work on a few 13's. It was definitely a great start to what's going to be a stellar season.
The last couple of days were dedicated to helping out at the Red Rocks Rendevouz. The RRR is a climbing festival that played host to many top climbers from all over the world, lending their skills to those who want to learn and push. I was able to experience this event by supporting my sponsors as well as teach clinics to enthusiastic beginners. It was fun. Tiring but fun. It's always, also, good to see your fellow climbers; chat, hang out, and share our latest adventures that surround our every day lives.
All in all the trip was amazing. Well except for the night where my tent was getting blown around like a kite in the sky. The winds reached up to 70mph and lets just say that when your tent comes un-pegged...it wasn't a restful sleep. More like being in a little sail boat out in the ocean enduring a raging storm! I'm so over the tent thing. BRING ON THE TRAILER!
On my trip home i had a lot of time to reflect on my climbing. I think with this trip I became even more motivated. Climbing with so many talented athletes I realized that i have a lot of "stepping it up" to do. It really comes down to focusing and committing. It's hard. Really hard sometimes. But I want it. I can feel how deep it goes. I have a lot of passion for it and am willing to drive towards my goals. Training plays a huge part in ones climbing capabilities. If you want to climb hard - you need to train hard. It takes serious dedication. I love it.
I'm excited about the upcoming rock season. I feel stronger but know that i have a ways to go to reach my goal of climbing 13's consitantly. It's ok though. I feel it's within reach...I just need to push harder. It's cold here in Cranbrook still. Huge difference from what it was in Vegas. Almost makes me want to go out and climb more ice. Not sure, but whatever form of climbing happens to capture my attention at any given moment...i'm in!
I recently discovered a new chunk of rock near by. Could be great. Gonna start focusing on that as it looks like there's a tone of potential for lots of new routes. Game on!
It's early for rock, but temps are rising, rock is getting warmer. Goals have been set and a driving force within is reaching and grabbing for success. I love and live climbing.
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