Climbing on rock has gotten off to a good start. I've been able to climb at different places, on different rock, with different people. So far, it's been a great experience. As of lately, though, i've begun to learn that i'm not using my fullest potential. I'm not committing myself in every area. I may be climbing stronger, but there are other things that i'm neglecting. For instance, i'm the worst for stretching. And cardio...same story. Finally...mental...something that i have always struggled with. The mental side of things plays such a huge part, yet i turn the corner every time i'm faced with it. I find myself giving up if my head says "you can't do that". I find myself backing down when my mind says, "no way". Quite frankly, it pisses me off. Why don't i just try? Why don't i just go for it? So what if it's impossible...but what's impossible? Something we make up in our heads? A limitation that we create so that we don't have to try, so that we don't face failure?
"Train like your competing, compete like your training" Will Gadd.
Recently i was reading Will Gadd's blog and came across his cry for help regarding his website. I promptly replied offering my services, and after a few back and forth emails, i built him a website. It looks cool, check it out "". As i was building his website, working on his "coaching page" the thought of him coaching me crossed my mind. So i approached him with the idea, and again, after a few emails...he agreed to this new adventure. I feel as though he will add, or better yet, fill in the holes i keep falling into. As an athlete that has competed/climbed at a top level, he has a few things to offer and i'm psyched to learn. I'm excited and super motivated to learn more, to try harder, and to commit.
The first assignment that Will gave me was to pick up a book called, "The new toughness training for sports". Wow, the first chapter already has me super hooked. I'm intrigued so much that i can't put the book down. It's focus is exactly my aforementioned issues. Mostly, the mental side. There's so much to learn on how to focus your mental state into a mode that will push you further, that will allow you to use your entire potential...not just some of it.
Climbing, where it's at with me now, i just want to get better, and i'm willing to listen...and to try harder...on all fronts. I believe that i can do this keeping my life relative. Yes, climbing plays a huge role, however my family, God, they still must come first.
Being coached by Will, I think it will help me reach my goals that I have long dreamed of. Not necessarily to be the best, or to win competitions, but to understand my mental state...and how to control it while performing an athletic endeavor.
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